“Its not worth my time…”

What will make a movie worth your sixty minutes of your time or that Tv Show like  the over-hyped Power or even worse the poorly scripted Empire or  the  thrown out of context Dig ,which FYI  gives me that “mad-cow fury” at Gideon Raff & his partner Tim Kring for their lack of creativity and opting for the easy way out,biblical reference.

According to a research by the Hollywood ,a great show is one which gives the viewer something to look forward to,characters that one can identify with,a great storyline, and even above all,make the viewer to think .A good example, of which most of you can identify with is The Walking Dead ,which except for the zombie apocalypse is great show or my personal fav  The Big Bang Theory depict the items have mentioned.

Movies that throw the Bible out of  context not only sicken me but are a total mockery to the Almighty Above by retelling His story in a totally mad way.Imagine watching a show like Dominion with your kid and it shows this disturbing scenes of angels having sex with a human being.Its a total shame to the professors of Peter Schink and Scott Stewart for having not insisted to  them on  how to be creative without mocking God and also not produce such an half-baked show .


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